Introducing LinkedIn Live Widgets

June 29, 2023

Did you catch Apple's WWDC? All the excitement must've rubbed off because we ended up making some sweet updates to our own product. Let's dive in.

Just Launched:

Introducing Live Widgets
Today, we're introducing Live Widgets, an enhanced way of displaying your social handles. To create one, simply paste a link to your social media profile, log in, and watch the magic happen. Now available for LinkedIn with more coming.

Introducing Linkable Images.
Effortlessly link your UI screenshots, photos, and illustrations to any website.

Reshuffled the Desktop Layout.
We revamped the desktop layout by relocating your profile for a more streamlined appearance. A tip--use GIFs as a profile picture to bring your SkillDeck to life.

In Progress

  • We're curating a Notion gallery of inspiring SkillDecks built by our community. Reply to this email with a 👋 emoji if you want to be featured.

  • Crop & reposition widget image previews.

  • Solving technical debt.

  • Polishing UI.

Behind the Scenes

We just had to get on the Generative AI Bandwagon. Last month, we hosted AI in Design meetup with designers and engineers from all around the world. That's all for today. Follow on Twitter for an intimate, behind the scenes look into our team.

By the SkillDeck Team

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