Crop & Resize Images

July 11, 2023

I was hit with a barrage of dopamine last week. TWO consumer social apps within 7 days, a new Indiana Jones film, and all the memes on Barbenheimer? I was lucky to get through the week with some focus time.

I’ve got some exciting updates for you.
Let's swoop in.

Just Launched:

Crop & Resize Images
We know how annoying it is to upload an image & have it slightly cut off 😱. Not a problem anymore, amigo. Crop & resize your images to your heart's content by just pinching & zooming.

In Progress

Instagram Live Widgets.
Your Instagram widgets are up for a big makeover. Stay tuned.

We are redesigning a few components.

The details matter. Our design team is slotting in a few quality-of-life updates to elevate our product.

Community Feature

  • Thank you to Farel, a UX writer, who helped us triage & squish a few bugs.

  • Special shoutout to Vdgraph, who spent an hour chatting with us about his life as a freelance football kit designer. We loved learning about his process of designing a football kit for a local American team.

  • Thank you to our first Italian user, @Gianluca, who enthusiastically embraced our mission. Safe travels back to Italy—we’ll miss you in San Francisco!

See you,


By the SkillDeck Team

© 2023