We're cleaning our (server) room.

August 1, 2023

Hey there!

It’s time for us to address the elephant in the *server* room.

Technical debt.

I know. This stuff isn’t cool. But all those pesky shortcuts and questionable code we wrote for the sake of speed caused sluggish performance and bugs. Over time, they accumulate like paper cuts. Tiny but painful. And they run against the high standards we place on ourselves.

As a result, we're taking a temporary hiatus from our weekly feature releases. We will delve deep into our code during this period to refactor and optimize.

Our mission is clear: squash those bugs and fine-tune performance bottlenecks, so that you can enjoy a better product & we can sleep better at night. No more 2 am PagerDuty wake-up calls.

We’ll keep you in the loop. Here’s to cleaner code 🍺

-The SkillDeck Team.

By the SkillDeck Team

© 2023